Joseph Omojevbe David
(God's Servant)
God’s Servant, Joseph Omojevbe David, Evangelist and disciple of Prophet TB Joshua, Founder and General Overseer of the The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) and Emmanuel TV, Lagos, Nigeria.

My Story
My mentor, Prophet TB Joshua said, “Successful people don’t just drift to the top; It takes focused actions, personal discipline, and lot of energy everyday to make things happen.” My journey in life so far has been more of an adventure. Born of a humble background and brought up by a single parent after losing my dad (who hailed from Delta State of Nigeria) in 1981 at the age of eleven. Life became a real struggle. Big thanks to my late mum who was such a courageous and industrious woman, able to shoulder the burden of me and my five siblings all alone. Sadly, she passed away five days to my birthday on the 15th of September, 2018.
After my secondary education at Ajangbadi High School, Afromedia, Lagos from 1982-1987 where I became the Senior Prefect of the pioneering set, It was no small struggle for me as a young man. I discovered my talent in songwriting and began pursuing a career in the field of Art and Design for which I was admitted at the Yaba College of Technology in 1994. But despite coming off with a very good grade in my National Diploma (ND), my dream of going further to study for my HND was cut short after I met my mentor, teacher, and spiritual guide, the late Prophet of God, TB Joshua through divine direction in July, 1994 which was the first time I attended the SCOAN. As soon as I joined the Evangelical Group of the Church I started receiving countless divine revelations pointing me to another future.
Just as Jesus called Peter and told him, “Follow me, and I will make you a fisher of men”, God was telling me in my visions to follow His own will and way, that He would make me a designer of souls, to beautify them for His Kingdom.
So I obeyed and left all to follow Him. I learnt so much of the scriptures and practical Christian living during my 27 years in training as a disciple under the great Prophet. I was so privileged to even live with him in his apartment at the prayer mountain, and became one of his altar boys for about a year before his passing. One day the Prophet called me and said, “Joseph, all these years I’ve been fighting you, it was just to make you become like me but you thought I hated you. But now I will show you the extent of my love for you. I will do something for you that you will live to remember me for.” He didn’t say what he planned to do but later I discovered he added me as the only disciple Trustee of the SCOAN Ministries. Indeed, such an unforgettable privilege and honour.
After the Prophet’s glorious departure on June 5, 2021, the reality of life dawned on us all. Every disciple had to start discovering themselves and put to practice what each person had learned under the master. I held unto my visions and God’s promise to make me one of the heirs of the Prophet’s spiritual estate, and to continue his legacy. I then had a vision in 2023 to go to Mexico and start a revival ministry. This gave birth to the Bold Mission International Ministries and Bold Mission TV.

Being A Missionary Is Not An Option…
I’m Living For What I’m Born For, And That Is What I’m Going To Die For
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favour has come, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.” (Isaiah 61:1-2, NLT).
“When we are children, we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind”. In any case, my childhood days were memorable and exciting.

There is a time to march with the master, and a time to walk in his footprints.

God’s Amazing Grace Has Brought Me This Far

You’re Born
To Win!
You are created to make a difference in your world. If you are created to make a difference, everything about you must be different. But when you follow others to do what they are doing, you will never make a difference in your world.
Everyday you must stay true to your purpose in life despite snow or rain. When your purpose is clear, your life will have meaning. And nothing will keep us on course like a deep love for God and sincere devotion to Christ.
(+52) 55 3906 8995
Mexico City.
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