Be Spiritually
The Word of God and His Spirit are inseparable; They are intimately linked together. If you want to live in the spirit, become completely saturated in the Word (John 6:63). We must improve our quiet moments for devotion so that when it seems we are alone, we are not. We are in the presence of God.
Here Is Knowledge
Jesus Christ is the Living Word. He has no place in a life that is not dominated by the Word of God because Christ and the Word are one. We can only be a part of Christ when the Word dominates us. Only then you can bring Christ on the scene.

You Must Know This:
Spiritual Growth Is A Function Of Obedience To God's Word
God’s standard of perfect obedience was revealed in Christ Jesus. We may have adequate knowledge of the scriptures but without obedience to the Words we read, hear, or preach, we still wear spiritual diapers – TB Joshua.
Quotes For Daily Meditation

Meditate On The Word
Meditation is the practice of thinking deeply in silence. It is a spiritual exercise that lifts us out of the natural to the supernatural realm. Meditation in the Word of God is therefore a visit to God. the object of our meditation as Christians is God's Word. Through meditation we take in the life of jesus and give out the life of Jesus. A break in meditation is a break in our connection with God.
Food 4 Thought
Why do many people fail?
Broken focus is the real reason many people fail. It is not mere wishful thinking that brings about a contented life but a rightful focus. The only way to see life clearly is to focus on Christ Jesus alone through focusing on His Word – The Holy Bible.
To what do you give your attention?
You are responsible for what you give your attention to. If you give your attention to God, you are what God says you are, you have what God says you have, and you can do what God says you can do.
How can God meet your needs?
Jesus Christ demands for our attention and faith to attend to us. If you believe in God, you will value your relationship with Him above all else. We develop a relationship with the holy Spirit by reading our Bible daily.

Wisdom Speaks
“Who is like the wise? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man’s wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his face is changed” (Ecclesiastes 8:1). The Holy Bible is a treasure of God’s wisdom. “When the wisdom comes into your heart, knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will watch over you, delivering you from the way of evil, from men of perverted speech, who forsake the path of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, who rejoice in doing evil and delight in the perverseness of evil” (Proverbs 2:10-14).
The Bible says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore, get wisdom (Proverbs 4:7). Feeding on God’s Word is feeding on His Wisdom, ability, and God’s very life. It builds faith in you and builds you into every attractive thing you see in the life of Jesus.
Be Spiritually Uplifted!
Now Is The Time!
Yesterday is history; tomorrow is mystery, but today is the only opportunity to rededicate our life to Christ. If you are waiting for a more convenient day to serve and worship God, that day may never come. Now is the time!

Meditation is the practice of thinking deeply in silence. The Word of God is the object of our meditation as christians, and as we meditate in the Word day and night, it becomes an integral part of us. Meditation is a great fundamental Christian practice that helps our spiritual development but few realize it because most Churches do not teach it.
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