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Mentorship Programme

Our Church Ministry
Sermons & Teachings
We have no other life; Our life depends on knowing God’s Word. Every Word of God is Spirit and life.
Healing & Deliverance
Miracles were proofs that the scriptures were true then, they still are – Evidence that Jesus lives.
Awesome Testimony
The answer to our prayer is miracle. When there is a miracle, there must be testimony.
Spirit-Filled Prayers
Because of the Holy Spirit, we have the priviledge of talking to God Almighty in our prayers.

Be A Part Of This Bold World

Success is a collection of relationships. As much as we need God, we also need good, informed, and inspired people to make it in our respective callings. Join us in this glorious soul-winning mission because two Believers are better than one if they are one. Together we can achieve Christ’s mission of populating God’s Kingdom and depopulating hell!
We begin to succeed with our lives when the problems and Hurts of others start to matter to us.
the beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but on how happy others can be because of you.
Partner with us and let God use you in the area of your strength.
The Mission Live

The Gospel of Christ Jesus and the Book of the Acts of the Apostles are not mere history books, but a pattern of what the Saviour wanted His Church to be today. He said, “As the Father hath sent me, so send I you.” (John 20:21) This is our commission – To reach the entire globe with this Gospel of salvation. And the Holy Spirit confirms our Words by miracles and signs (Mark 16:2; Hebrews 2:4).
For Support And Doations
(+52) 55 3906 8995
The Art Of Living Right

Audio Messages

Quotes For Daily Meditation

Two Believers Are Better Than One If They Are One. Whether You Plant Or Water, We Are A Team.